CSR and sustainability

At Gran Hotel Flamingo we are committed to sustainability as a key element which allows tourism to remain as one of the main economic motors around the world. For this reason, we look to integrate the values and principles associated to sustainable development in our day-to-day tasks, our working ways and our relationship with our clients, staff, providers as well as with society in general and the environment.

We work hard so that our commitment and way of doing things sets us apart from the rest, reinforcing our position as a responsible, stable, secure and attractive company to everyone who comes into contact with us.

Our corporate commitments are:

  • We contribute to preserving the environment, striving to minimise the environmental impact of our activities and encouraging a culture of sustainability to all of our clients, staff and providers.
  • Fostering our local cultural values and traditions.
  • We work so that our activities help to actively foster improvements in the environment which surrounds us, paying special attention to the children and underprivileged individuals in our community.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Gran Hotel Flamingo collaborates with the following entities and causes:

Internally, Gran Hotel Flamingo is characterised by its family-reconciliation and equality policies, forming a team integrated in equal parts by men and women.

Environment and sustainability

IZAKA initiatives of which Gran Hotel Flamingo is part of:

Energy and climate change

  • Integral Preventive-Corrective Maintenance Plan.
  • Low-consumption and/or renewable facilities and lighting systems.
  • Implementation of energy-saving elements such as light timers, optimisation of natural light, purchase of low-consumption electrical appliances, etc.
  • Use of construction elements which foster low energy consumption.

Reduction of water consumption

  • Water flow reduction systems (double-flush stop and button in water cistern or timer).
  • Awareness-raising actions to involve clients in responsible water consumption during their stay.

Waste management and recycling

  • Selective waste collection linked to the hotel’s management and operations.
  • Document destruction and recycling service.
  • Internal paper-recycling policy.
  • Environmental training: All our collaborators receive environmental training.

Local and healthy gastronomy

Menus elaborated with local products from local providers and made in our kitchens.

Specific menus for clients with special dietary needs.

Purchase of fair-trade and socially responsible products.

Cultural resources

We notify clients about the main cultural resources and events which are taking place in the city as well as the leisure offer in our community.

We raise awareness of the environmental, cultural and social values in our area among our clients.

We foster local culture by diffusing gastronomic and cultural traditions.

Safety and hygiene regulations

  • We comply with all the safety regulations required by law and have all the official permits required for hotels, apartments and restaurants.
  • We also comply with all the hygiene and food safety requirements, carrying out microbiological analysis and HACCP audits and training our staff in food handling, traceability, dietary needs, food allergies, etc.
  • Our staff regularly undergoes training activities related to emergencies, safety, occupational hazards, ergonomics, use of cleaning products, recycling and first aid.
  • We also carry out regular fire drills periodically.
  • We also carry out all the verifications and actions required by law regarding legionella.
  • We comply with data protection and confidentiality regulations.
  • We carry out preventive maintenance in all of our facilities.
  • Our establishment is accessible for guests with reduced mobility, offering adapted rooms and having removed all architectural barriers inside the hotel.